Keep Your Voice Down: Tom Springer

Tom Springer

Doug and Alek are joined by local author and Park Township Trustee Tom Springer to discuss his book “The Star in the Sycamore,” the ongoing negotiations between Park Township and the Three Rivers Public Library, and why getting involved in local government is so important.

Springer’s books can be purchased at most local bookstores or on Amazon. Keep Your Voice Down’s theme is “Howling at the Moon” by D Fine Us and this week’s outro music is “SpeedBumps” by Aves.

Keep Your Voice Down is a podcast featuring fellow Central Michigan University journalism grads and best friends Alek Haak-Frost and Doug Sears, Jr. 

Any views or opinions expressed on “Keep Your Voice Down” are those of its hosts and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Watershed Voice staff or its board of directors.