Three Rivers native, poet, and Watershed Voice columnist Torrey Brown answers the hard questions between a father and a son in his first WSV poem.
Around the world there was little time to brace for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has rocked so much to the core, including me. As a daughter, friend, wife, mother… human, I am concerned about not only those that I love, but also those that I don’t know all over the world.
In the midst of planning, cleaning and assisting, one unexpected emotion that kept circling back was grief. It took me by surprise, but its presence was undeniable. Grief.
By Dave Lemery | The Center Square (The Center Square) – The National Governors Association on Saturday issued a call […]
“Do not be afraid. If ever an Easter message were still every bit as timely this year as it was before, it’s that one. Do not be afraid. Not, ‘don’t worry so much about it.’ Not, ‘be reckless.’ No, Do not be afraid: for Jesus who has been crucified has been raised.'”
Three Rivers native and vocalist Courtney Moore dropped a new single Friday titled “Selfish,” the first single off her sophomore album “25.”
“What I am seeing when I look around the church and society is Easter in the truest form it’s been practiced in a long time.”
Michigan State Police are investigating a break-in that occurred sometime late Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning at St. John’s Lutheran Church located at 56050 Buckhorn Rd. in Three Rivers.
Do you ever wonder where later has gone? I often think it goes to the back of the closet and gets lost with those Christmas gifts you forgot you bought. As an adult, later seems like something small and trivial. As a child, later seems like something you’ve wished for but it never happens. And that makes me mad.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order, originally issued March 24, 2020, was extended until April 30. The order was originally intended to expire April 13.
Violators are subject to fines up to $1,000, increased from the original maximum of $500 and jail sentences up to 90 days via a misdemeanor charge. Businesses that defy the order will be subject to penalties determined by their licensing agencies.
Data collected by the U.S. Department of Labor in Michigan from the week ending April 4 reveals one of the steepest unemployment increases in the nation.
More than 80,509 people filed for unemployment, bringing the total number of Michigan unemployed workers to 384,844.
On Sunday, April 5, a group of approximately 15 new volunteers joined returning volunteers Jo Barton and Josh Williams for training, prep work, and setup at the Three Rivers Food Site.
The food site initially decided to close its doors because the majority of its volunteers are seniors or have underlying health issues that put them at higher risk of contracting COVID-19.
An attorney from Saginaw County filed a lawsuit that claims Gov. Gretchen Whitmer unlawfully issued an executive order that delayed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) deadlines.
Join Lisha and Juliet McCurry as they dig into their first episode and serve up a healthy mug of opinions, bad puns, and critiques of every aspect of The Cabin in the Woods.
“As long as a journalist tells the truth, in conscience and fairness, it is not his job to worry about consequences. The truth is never as dangerous as a lie in the long run. I truly believe the truth sets men free.”
Ben Bradlee
Former Executive Editor of The Washington Post
Why is it so hard for organizations such as the Black student union or the Latino student union to collaborate with the Western Democrats or the Western Republicans? Why is it so hard to have that color representation in something as big as politics, especially in college?
I like to look out the window — I think I get that from my dad. While I was growing up, my parents had an agreement that my mother would drive the car anywhere we went as a family; I’m told it was so that my father could look out the window without imperiling the rest of us.
Since the United States was founded almost 244 years ago, the press has served as a check to power, holding those in positions of authority accountable for what they say and do, while giving a voice to the most vulnerable and underserved members of our society.
COVID-19 is changing the way people live, and the way they work. What hasn’t changed is the need for certain essential services, and St. Joseph County’s Adult Drug Treatment Court (ADTC) is doing its part to ensure the participants of its program have the support they need, even from miles away.