Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! This week, Lisha and Jules cover a spooky monster movie that they both remembered being much better than it actually is: 2007’s The Mist! Keep the lights off (BECAUSE LIGHTS IN FOG DON’T WORK THE WAY THIS MOVIE SEEMS TO THINK THEY DO) and get ready to giggle at things that aren’t supposed to be funny as you listen to Lisha demolish an ending that she once loved while Jules tries really, really hard to find the positives re: terrible special effects.

State Rep. Padma Kuppa (D-Troy) writes, “For decades, top-down movements have been sowing the seeds of disinformation, which has created a world where everyday Americans cannot trust facts presented to them. This environment divides us and those who fuel disinformation intend to confuse Americans and pit us against each other. Our democracy is stronger when we work together. Those hellbent on power and control know this well — and use disinformation to push us apart. When we are too busy fighting each other, we fail to notice when bad actors chip away at our freedoms, our rights and our collective power.”

As all Michigan schools have begun 2021-22 classes, the state is reporting school- and sports-related COVID-19 outbreaks on a weekly basis. As of Monday, 413 pre-kindergarten-12 schools and seven universities — Alma College, Central Michigan University, Grand Valley State University, Saginaw Valley State University, University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University and Concordia University — are reporting new or ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks.