When the pandemic arrived in Michigan last March, paramedics and other emergency medical technicians braced themselves for an onslaught of calls to bring individuals battling COVID-19 to the hospital. And while there was certainly a flood of COVID-19 patients to some hospitals, mostly in metro Detroit, calls to 911 dropped dramatically across Michigan as out-of-hospital deaths soared. Michiganders, including those facing serious illnesses, were avoiding the medical system.

“Doctors and nurses are dying at an alarming rate. They have a choice, naturally, to either resign their posts or show up and fight, but the nature of the business makes it abundantly clear most will choose to fight. Choose to die. Choose to sacrifice their hopes and dreams and hobbies, their retirements and vacations and their children’s affection for the public good. It’d be great to believe this is all overblown, but we know better.”