WSV’s Michael “Hogey” Hogoboom writes, “Truly, Starbucks is not your place to go for quality artisan coffee. You’ll never hear a coffee connoisseur mention the Seattle-based chain as their favorite place. It’s really more of the gateway toward good coffee in most people’s experience, and again—isn’t that similar to Budweiser? Many beer drinkers tried a domestic lager long before summoning the courage to try their first IPA.”

WSV’s Kay Davis writes, “During my first visit to (Sturgis’ Timm Preserve), the exposed roots and ground were wet and looked slippery. That day was warm with heavy, misty air which caused a steady tapping in the tree leaves and thick vegetation, similar to the Star Wars scene in which we were first introduced to Yoda. The fact I recognized it as such was the indicator that my entire walk on that summer day would be associated with the original movie trilogy.”

With the help of his sister Barbara Humes, who is retired after 31 years with IAC Mendon and has been baking and catering just as long, Ralph Humes resurrected R. Stanley’s, which used to call 618 South Main Street home some 20 years ago as a dine-in and takeout spot. R. Stanley’s returned this week in the form of a pop-up diner, operating out of Venue 45 in downtown Three Rivers, making family meals to-go.