Are you feeling like the real Marie Kondo yet?

Living on Purpose

Decluttering and tossing out everything that doesn’t give you joy? Not the kids of course, or your partner. Even when they exclaim that “you missed a spot,” but cannot possibly find anything right under their nose. Not even then, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal.

Anyhow, lots of cleaning and reorganizing happening lately right? All in an effort to fight an invisible enemy. One we cannot see, but are surely impacted by. Light switches, doorknobs, the banister all of the usual high traffic surfaces and then some. Not quite sure if we are overdoing it, but still moved to do it, preferring to be safe, rather than sorry.

We as people do this often, alter our behavior in response to invisible triggers. Things like over-apologizing, or self-sabotaging by repeatedly not showing up for ourselves as a means of survival. These types of behaviors are rooted in trauma, and if you are continually functioning in this way, sorry to tell you but… “you missed a spot.”

Most of the reorganizing has probably been done by now, and there are still about two weeks left in quarantine. It would seem that now is a perfect time for deep introspection. Reflecting on past mistakes, or choices that have been barriers to success. Success being true peace, true joy, or even wholeness. When was the last time you felt completely at ease? Genuinely happy? Is there anything that prevents you from standing in your authenticity? If you aren’t living your life for you now, then when?

Today is always a good day to begin unpacking what ails you. To look at what makes us uncomfortable, ashamed, or afraid and say “No more. I’m taking back my power!” Embracing the idea that brokenness exists within you is an amazing first step.

Approach your healing journey with curiosity and kindness. As you begin to release things that no longer serve you, it may involve releasing relationships or require forgiving other people. It is not necessary to invite others into your healing journey. Letting go does not always mean that a conversation is necessary. Do what’s best for you, and handle yourself with care.

Prioritizing your wellbeing will become more natural with time. Releasing negative energy will create room for more of your favorite parts of you. When you do emerge — not as soon as the quarantine is over but eventually — you will emerge and begin presenting to the world as the fabulous person you were always meant to be.

Love and light.

A native of Phoenix, Arizona Aundrea Sayrie is a firm believer in the power of words, faith and a strong spirit. Her greatest desire is to encourage those around her to discover and honor their truth, and to passionately live on purpose.

Any views or opinions expressed in “Living on Purpose” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Watershed Voice staff or its board of directors.