Keep Your Voice Down: Nic Exotic and the Murder Hornets

Keep Your Voice Down Emma Crevier

Doug and Alek return from an extended hiatus (they couldn’t record last Tuesday because BREAKING NEWS) to discuss the top stories from around St. Joseph County, as well as Nic Cage‘s latest role and the ever-growing presence of murder hornets (they’re real and they’re coming, probably). The duo also takes time to praise essential workers and discuss what they’ve learned about themselves in quarantine.

Needless to say (obviously saying it is necessary or we wouldn’t say it) Episode 4 of Keep Your Voice Down might just be the best yet. So hunker down, open a can of sparkling water, and whatever you do, don’t Keep Your Voice Down.

Keep Your Voice Down is a podcast featuring fellow Central Michigan University journalism grads and best friends Alek Haak-Frost and Doug Sears, Jr. 

Any views or opinions expressed on “Keep Your Voice Down” are those of its hosts and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Watershed Voice staff or its board of directors.