Kalamazoo City Commission meeting: May 13

A screenshot of Public Media Network's livestream of Monday's Kalamazoo City Commission meeting. You can find the link to PMN's livestream at the bottom of this article.

The Kalamazoo City Commission met on Monday, May 13 and took the following actions:

  • Approved a one-year contract extension with STANTEC for water rate and water financial consulting services in the amount of $117,330.
  • Approved contracts for Treeworks, Inc. for neighborhood tree maintenance in the amount of $139,044.40, and hazardous tree removal in the amount of $165,678.
  • Approved a Memorandum of Understanding contract with University of Notre Dame for the purchase of continued Downtown West End planning in the amount of $150,000.
  • Contracts were also approved with AECOM Great Lakes, Inc. for the development of a sidewalk lighting and bus stop safety plan ($199,266), Reith Riley Construction Co. for repaving the Central Station ($219,724.94), Peters Construction for autoflusher installations ($242,200), Sinclair Recreation for park improvements at Southside Park ($324,553.05), a three-year cooperative purchasing agreement with People Driven Technology for Rubrik Security Cloud Backup and Recovery Software ($416,059), and a three-year contract renewal with Trace3 for Cisco Smartnet Licenses ($751,923.04).
  • Authorized the city manager to sign a letter of agreement with Michigan Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T to extend the existing Right of Way Permit for five years pursuant to The Metropolitan Extension Telecommunications Right of Way Oversight (METRO) Act.
  • Approved budget amendments for the FY 2023 budget, increase revenues by $443,952 and expenditures by $372,186; and for the FY 2024 budget, increase expenditures by $413,052.

You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports and documents related to each agenda item (beyond what is provided in this summary) here.