Students from St. Joseph County’s Intermediate School District Career Technical Education’s (CTE) Public Safety program will be recognized at the Michigan State Capitol this week as part of the CTE Showcase. The students will visit Lansing on Thursday to explain what the public safety program is, what they’re doing in and outside of the classroom, and what they hope to accomplish.

U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday debated if enough has changed to prevent a repeat of the infant formula shortage, more than a year after a nationwide crisis began. Frank Yiannas, former deputy commissioner of the FDA Office of Food Policy & Response from 2018 to 2023, said, “[…]The nation remains one outbreak, one tornado, one flood, or cyberattack away from finding itself in a similar place to that of February 17, 2022.”

In this week’s Bites with Beca, Beca Welty writes, “By the time we were rolling ourselves out the front door, Maria’s was bustling with energy with every table occupied and a line queuing near the entrance. It seemed Sturgis already knew what we had only just discovered — Maria’s Mexican Restaurant is a true gem in the crown of Mexican restaurants in the community, and we will absolutely be back soon…sunny day or not.”