Screen Tea Podcast: Marvel Movie May podcast trilogy continues

Screen Tea Podcast

WARNING: The following episodes of Screen Tea Podcast include all of the F-bombs, so if you want to avoid such language for the sake of yourself, your kids or your cat please be advised.

Welcome back to Screen Tea Podcast, and even more importantly, welcome to MARVEL MOVIE MAY! Join Lisha and Juliet for the second and third episodes of a THREE-PART SAGA as they break down their thoughts and opinions about the characters and actors within the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Episode 12: MCU Sidekicks & Companions

Put on the kettle and listen to Lisha & Juliet discuss SHIELD HR politics, the Peter Tingle, and join them in their emotional meltdown over Nebula, who must be protected AT. ALL. COSTS. 

Episode 13: MCU Villains & Crew

Put on the kettle and listen to them discuss fantastic actors who must have owed some major favors, the brilliance of Jake Gyllenhaal (even though Quentin Beck was a little bitch), and whatever the hell the Grandmaster was all about. 

Sources for information gathered for this episode were:,  22 years of film watching experience, and Marvel.

Your hosts Lisha and Jules are an artist and a mental health professional. Have fun figuring out which is which, but also…be careful not to mess it up. They hail from Michigan, love movies, and served tacos at their lesbian wedding.