The Mendon Drama Club will be performing the farce-meets-murder mystery “Clue: High School Edition” for three performances on March 24, 25, and 26 at Mendon Elementary Auditorium.
Based on the iconic 1985 Paramount movie, which was inspired by the classic Hasbro game,“Clue” tells the tale of six mysterious guests assembling for a dinner party at a remote mansion. When the host turns up dead, everyone becomes a suspect in this classic telling of a “who-dunnit.” Director of the Mendon Drama Club Maddy Eickhoff told Watershed Voice this stage production of “Clue” is similar to the movie, but has its own unique angle. “It’s still about the murder mystery, but a couple of the twists and turns are a little bit different,” she said.
The Mendon Drama Club production is compromised of mostly high school students from Mendon, Centreville, Colon, and White Pigeon. Eickhoff said the club involves any school in the county that doesn’t have a theater program, and they meet four days a week at the Mendon Elementary School Auditorium. Presently, the club only meets during ongoing productions such as the current spring play and a musical in the summer.
There are 18 students involved in “Clue” and Eickhoff said most of the cast has previously done shows with the Mendon Drama Club. “I do have a couple of foreign exchange students who have never done theater before, and they want the experience,” she said. “And I’ve got a couple of middle schoolers that this is their first experience, but they have siblings and friends who have been a part of the program who introduced them to it.” Eickhoff is no stranger to the stage herself having served as a stage manager for Mendon productions before becoming the director, and also serving on the Three Rivers Community Players board.
“Clue: High School Edition” will be performed Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are not available online, and will only be sold at the door — $10 for adults and $8 for students and seniors. The Mendon Drama Club is eager for the public to come and experience the hard work they have put into the production. “Most of my students are underclassmen, and they’ve only done this a couple of times but it’s going to be a fantastic show, and everyone’s going to have a good time no matter what,” Eickhoff said.
Beca Welty is a staff writer and columnist for Watershed Voice.