Screen Tea Podcast: The Mist

The Mist (2007, IMDb)

Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! This week, Lisha and Jules cover a spooky monster movie that they both remembered being much better than it actually is: 2007’s The Mist! Keep the lights off (BECAUSE LIGHTS IN FOG DON’T WORK THE WAY THIS MOVIE SEEMS TO THINK THEY DO) and get ready to giggle at things that aren’t supposed to be funny as you listen to Lisha demolish an ending that she once loved while Jules tries really, really hard to find the positives re: terrible special effects.

Also, in case you couldn’t tell, you get the honor of listening to both of your podcasters wonder why the hell they ever thought this movie was, you know…good. But it’s not all bad, and so don’t jump the gun (Lisha…no), relax, and get creepy with us!

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Happy listening!

Your hosts Lisha and Jules are an artist and a mental health professional. Have fun figuring out which is which, but also…be careful not to mess it up. They hail from Michigan, love movies, and served tacos at their lesbian wedding.

Any views or opinions expressed on “Screen Tea Podcast” are those of its hosts and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Watershed Voice staff or its board of directors.