“This is something that a lot of us in the policy world have already known for a long time — that when Congress failed to act on expanding or continuing the monthly child tax credit payments that were part of the American Rescue Plan, that a lot of Michigan kids and families were going to suffer as a result,” Anne Kuhnen, a tax policy analyst for the Michigan League for Public Policy (MLPP), said.

Watershed Voice sent out questionnaires to local candidates running for Three Rivers City Commission, St. Joseph County Commission, Three Rivers Board of Education, and Glen Oaks Community College Board of Trustees. In the days leading up to the election on Tuesday, November 8, Watershed will publish the questionnaires in the order they are received. Bart Goldberg, a Democrat running against longtime U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg in the newly formed Michigan 5th Congressional District, reached out to Watershed Voice about filling out a questionnaire, and submitted the following answers.