“All across this country in small towns and big cities alike, clerks and election officials are hard at work to take their part in this essential American tradition, but they need us to demand that our elected leaders give them the tools to do the job. We still have time to get this right. But the clock is ticking.”

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been trying to stay in front of this pandemic and is making decisions based on our safety, the constituents of her state. Requesting supplies from the federal government, closing schools, and issuing stay-at-home orders are all part of an attempt to flatten the curve on this deadly virus, and will save lives if done correctly. Her decision to extend the stay-at-home orders and to create more stringent rules are not because she has decided to be a dictator, nor are they because she is trying to become Joe Biden’s running mate.

“It’s because we as residents of this state were not making intelligent decisions.”

On Sunday, April 5, a group of approximately 15 new volunteers joined returning volunteers Jo Barton and Josh Williams for training, prep work, and setup at the Three Rivers Food Site.

The food site initially decided to close its doors because the majority of its volunteers are seniors or have underlying health issues that put them at higher risk of contracting COVID-19.