Screen Tea Podcast: MCU Heroes

Screen Tea Podcast

WARNING: This episode of Screen Tea Podcast includes all of the F-bombs, so if you want to avoid such language for the sake of yourself, your kids or your cat please be advised.

Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast, and even more importantly, welcome to MARVEL MOVIE MAY! Join Lisha and Juliet for the first of THREE EPISODES as they break down their thoughts and opinions about the characters and actors within the Marvel Cinematic Universe! (They thought they could bang out 80 characters in one episode. Turns out what you’ve suspected all along is true; they are actually perpetually exhausted trash heaps with poor time management skills rather than human beings, so, you get three episodes!)

Put on the kettle and listen to them bicker over who was right all along (was it Steve or Tony? Turns out; both and neither!), whether or not Anthony Mackie is the true Captain America, and also…just how did they manage to screw up Clint Barton so badly?

Sources for information gathered for this episode were:,  22 years of film watching experience, Marvel, and, uh, Patrick William Charlton! He’s the one with the great Captain America Vines (watch him, he’s hilarious). 

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Happy listening!


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(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website, or on Facebook at

Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!)

Your hosts Lisha and Jules are an artist and a mental health professional. Have fun figuring out which is which, but also…be careful not to mess it up. They hail from Michigan, love movies, and served tacos at their lesbian wedding.

Any views or opinions expressed on “Screen Tea Podcast” are those of its hosts and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Watershed Voice staff or its board of directors.